KUNSTSPOOR 2019, Netherlands


From 17 – 25 August I’m Lenny van Broekhoven’s guest at Atelier Galerie Katssee map showing my latest jewellery and other artwork at this year’s KUNSTSPOOR.


My recent work is very much inspired by parts of Victorian porcelain dolls that have been reclaimed from old factory grounds and found their way into my pieces. I love things with a (hi)story. I feel it gives them soul and that touches me and stirs my imagination. This also applies to the other materials and objects I use like bits from discarded jewellery, old buttons, off-cuts from Indian saris, silk flowers and anything else I can get my hands on. I love putting these things in a new context giving them new life.

I’m so pleased that Lenny van Broekhoven seems to enjoy this and has invited me to show my work in her gallery in Kats (Zeeland) at this year’s Kunstspoor.

I first met Lenny a couple of years ago when a Dutch group of artists came over to exhibit at Folkestone’s Open Quarter, our annual open studios event at the Creative Quarter. It wasn’t their first visit, friendships between them and Folkestone based artists had already developed. I immediately enjoyed the Dutch company and popped in for a visit to the Kunstspoor the same year. And what can I say, it was absolutely lovely!! The hospitality, the small villages huddled together in this beautiful scenery with wide skies and the sea never far away! And this active creative community of people who each year put together an art trail that both shows the remarkable artistic output of local as well as guest artists. I’m so looking forward to going! And if you fancy a little holiday with some art to look at and get involved in, I can only recommend to come and join me at the KUNSTSPOOR 2019.

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